
Social Media Support, Business and Personal Life Admin

Tash is a self-starter with a contagious positive outlook on life. She utilises her time management skills to be able to efficiently work towards deadlines and is always looking to educate herself and learn more. She has a keen eye for detail and a knack for building strong working relationships and would consider herself very much a team player!

Due to her love of learning new things, Tash has completed a Bachelor of Communications, and a Diploma in Interior Design and is currently studying for a Diploma in Event Management.

Based In: New Zealand

Hobbies: Tash loves to travel, walk along the beach, do her nails at home with her Gel kit and binging worthy sitcoms is her guilty pleasure!

Random Fact about Tash: She has attended Primary School in 3 different countries!

Personality: Tash has a positive and outgoing personality and is very friendly and personable, she has a passion for organisation and she utilises this skill to be an adaptable VA with the ability to work in fast-paced environments.

Mac or Windows: Mac

iPhone or Android: iPhone

Available to Meet in Person: No

General Availability: Monday to Friday 9am - 3pm