
Katie excels at simplifying tasks with her organisational skills and has a deep understanding of ADHD from her husband's experience. She combines technical expertise with humour and kindness, making her an absolute pleasure to work with. With a background in business administration, inbox management, and platforms like Etsy, Squarespace, and Shopify, Katie is proficient in streamlining tasks and social media engagement. She is open to in-person sessions if clients are nearby and is always eager to learn new skills to better assist her clients.

Personal Life Admin

Based In: North Brisbane, QLD

Hobbies: Katie enjoys organising things, digital drawing, painting, playing drums, and attending live music events.

Random Fact about Katie: Katie is allergic to green tree snakes and is hypermobile, which allows her to perform some weird party tricks with her joints!

Personality: Katie is bubbly, warm, non-judgmental, funny, and caring.

Mac or Windows: Windows!

iPhone or Android: iPhone!

Available to Meet in Person: Yes if the client is in North Brisbane!

General Availability: Monday to Friday 9am-5pm AEST