Julia is a reliable, self-driven virtual assistant who consistently delivers tasks to high standards, often working behind the scenes and outside traditional business hours. With experience across various industries such as Food & Beverage, Retail, Music, E-Commerce, and Medical, she excels in problem-solving and finding the most efficient solutions.
Creative & Medical Administrator
Based In: Melbourne, Victoria.
Hobbies: Julia loves crafting and creating, she enjoys soccer and loves to read
Random Fact about Julia: Julia is a big fan of Andy Warhol and has many of his prints in her home, including a stress ball shaped like a soup can!
Personality: Julia is a reliable, confident quick learner with a creative, detail-oriented approach, excelling in customer service and always ready to tackle new challenges.
Mac or Windows: Mac!
iPhone or Android: iPhone!
Extra Skills & Qualifications: Julia is also a Photographer! If you require headshots or any photos taken.
Available to Meet in Person: Yes, as often as able depending on circumstances!
General Availability: Generally outside of business hours, and weekends.