
Based In: Gold Coast, QLD

Hobbies: Genta enjoys doing DIY home renovations, baking, going to the beach, travelling and selling vintage clothing online.

Random Fact about Genta: Genta loves buying and selling houses and is currently renovating her 7th home! She also enjoys learning new skills and regularly engages in Tafe courses and online training to continually broaden her horizons.

Personality: Genta is naturally curious and always wants to know the 'why' behind things, not just the 'what'. She approaches tasks methodically and systematically, preferring structure and organisation in how she tackles challenges.

Mac or Windows: Mac!

iPhone or Android: iPhone!

Extra Skills & Qualifications: Since 2007 Genta predominantly worked with entrepreneurs who offer personal and professional development through online platforms and seminars, both in-house and virtually within various niches. These include personal development, business consulting, health coaching, e-commerce education and sales training.

Available to Meet in Person: Would only consider for once-off events.

General Availability: Monday to Friday during AEST business hours

Genta is a highly experienced and resourceful virtual assistant with over 17 years in the online business field. Specialising in admin, customer service, help desks, memberships, project management, creating SOPs, e-commerce, email marketing, sales funnels, systemisation, and streamlining, she excels in supporting entrepreneurs across various industries. Genta's methodical and organised approach, combined with her natural curiosity, ensures she delivers high-quality results efficiently. Her dedication and positive attitude make her a joy to work with, consistently exceeding expectations and bringing a touch of excellence to every task.

Business Administration