
As the Director of Real Time VA, Delwyn brings a down-to-earth and easygoing approach to leadership. She is known for her empathy, flexibility, and ability to connect with both her team and clients. Delwyn's organisational skills are second to none, ensuring that every task is managed efficiently and effectively. Always up for a laugh, she creates a positive and supportive environment, making sure everyone feels understood and valued. With Delwyn at the helm, you can trust that your needs will be met with professionalism and a personal touch.


Based In: Brisbane, QLD

Hobbies: Delwyn enjoys organising, dancing, doing yoga and pilates and being in nature!

Random Fact about Delwyn: Delwyn was a professional dancer, performing professionally all over the world!

Personality: Delwyn is down-to-earth, easygoing, empathetic, and flexible. Always up for a laugh, she is super organised and stays on top of everything, ensuring her team and clients are well-supported and satisfied.

Mac or Windows: Mac!

iPhone or Android: iPhone!

Extra Skills & Qualifications: Delwyn has been a dance teacher for over 10 years

General Availability: Monday to Friday 9am-5pm AEST