Staying Organised and Focused: ADHD-Friendly Time Tips

We get it—staying on top of things when you have ADHD can feel like herding cats. But fear not! We've got some super simple tips to help you stay organised and focused without getting bogged down in jargon.

RTVA’s ADHD-friendly time management tips!

  1. Time Blocks – Think of It as Task Tetris
    Ever tried to play Tetris? Time blocking is kinda like that but with your day. Instead of a jumbled mess, you create blocks of time for tasks.
    Practical Exercise: Use your phone or a planner and make a schedule. Pick one task for each time block, like "10:00 AM - Homework" or "2:30 PM - Clean Room."
    Useful Tool: If you've got a smartphone, Google Calendar is your friend. Set alarms for when it's time to switch tasks.

  2. To-Do Lists – Keep It Short and Sweet
    Long to-do lists can make anyone feel overwhelmed, especially if you've got ADHD. Try this:
    Practical Exercise: Make a short to-do list every morning. Only put a few things on it, like three to five. Make sure they're the most important stuff.
    Useful Tool: There are apps like Todoist that can help you keep your list in check.

  3. Visual Aids – Get Creative with Your Tasks

    Visual aids are like having superhero sidekicks for your ADHD brain. Here's a cool way to use them:
    Practical Exercise: Grab a piece of paper or use an app like Notion. Write down your tasks and add some colours or doodles. It's like making your to-do list into art.
    Useful Tool: Sticky notes or apps like Asana can help you visualise tasks and deadlines.

  4. Goals – Baby Steps, Not Giant Leaps
    Big tasks can feel like climbing a mountain. Instead, make them tiny hills:
    Practical Exercise: Break your big tasks into small steps. Instead of "Write a report," try "Find info for the report" or "Write the first paragraph."
    Useful Tool: Apps like Trello can help you split tasks into smaller bits.

  5. Bye-Bye Distractions – Block 'Em Out
    Distractions are like sneaky ninjas trying to steal your focus. Don't let 'em:
    Practical Exercise: Find your usual distractions and make a plan to beat them. Turn off phone notifications, put on some music, or find a quiet spot.
    Useful Tool: Use apps like Freedom or Cold Turkey to block distracting websites and apps when you need to work.

In a Nutshell…

Managing time and staying organised with ADHD doesn't have to be boring or complicated. Keep it simple, use tools that work for you, and remember that practice makes perfect. You've got this! Stay organised, stay focused, and keep rocking on.

Ready to take your time management skills to the next level? Book a free 15-minute discovery call with Real Time VA to find out how we can help streamline your business or personal life. Let's work together to make life a little easier. Click here to schedule your call now!


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