
Nicki is a highly VA specialising in business and personal life admin. With five years of experience in the non-profit sector as a Teaching Assistant, Business Support Officer, and Housing Manager, she excels in communication, collaboration, and organisational skills. Nicki’s background as a competitive gymnast instilled in her resilience, determination, and discipline, which she applies to her work. Known for her positivity, motivation, and resourcefulness, Nicki is a fantastic team player who values kindness and respect. Nicki is dedicated to helping clients stay organised and achieve their goals with her meticulous and caring approach.

Business and Personal Life Admin

Based In: Brisbane, QLD

Hobbies: Nicki enjoys going to markets, gymnastics, reading, trying new restaurants, and spending time with family and friends.

Random Fact about Nicki: She’s from the Scottish Highlands!

Personality: Nicki is an introverted extrovert, bringing fun and enthusiasm to situations but also values and needs her alone time to recharge. Her fair and caring nature ensures she treats everyone with kindness and respect, she’s always looking out for others and doing as much as she can to help!

Mac or Windows: Windows

iPhone or Android: iPhone!

Available to Meet in Person: Once a month in Brisbane

General Availability: Monday to Friday Evenings & Saturday to Sunday Mornings